VISD Employees' Graduating Seniors

Each year, VISD's faculty and staff have the opportunity to contribute $2 to a monetary gift for each graduating senior of a VISD employee.  We certainly don't want to forget our seniors this year!!  Below is the list seniors and instructions on how to make your contribution:

Cutoff for donations is MAY 15th!!

  • If contributing to ALL seniors, click on the link to the left - GRADUATING SENIORS (ALL), add to cart. Check out.
  • If you are selecting seniors individually, click on link to the left - GRADUATION SENIORS then:
  1. Select the senior of your choice, then add to cart
  3. Repeat for each senior you wish to contribute to
  4. Check out

Let's show LOTS of VANDAL love and support to these seniors!!

    1. Bachert, Gabriel (Son of Kay Bachert, VHS)
    2. Berry-Salazar, Zoe (Daughter of Penny Salazar, CUSTODIAL)
    3. Burns, Shelby (Daughter of Lori Wilkinson, VHS)
    4. Campuzano, Jake (Son of Sandra Gonzalez, VHS)
    5. Coffelt, Hunter (Son of Jamie Coffelt, VJH)
    6. Duke, Dylan (Son of Berny Duke, TECHNOLOGY | Dustin Duke,VHS)
    7. Dunn, Kambryn (Daughter of Don Dunn, ADMIN)
    8. Elliott, Kiera (Daughter of Jodie Bennett, JER)
    9. Gillett, Cody (Son of Trenna Gillett, VHS)
    10. Guy, Bailey (Daughter of Amber Guy, VHS)
    11. Jackson, Kamryn (Daughter of Nancy & Robert Waldroup, TRANSPORTATION)
    12. Jones, Landry (Daughter of Lindsay Jones, ADMIN)
    13. Kuala-Kriegel, Kealohilani (Daughter of Kimberly Kuala, JER)
    14. Morgan, Abigail (Daughter of Lacey McNeil, TECHNOLOGY)
    15. Phillips, Garrett (Son of Odie Phillips, VHS)
    16. Rainey, Cannon (Son of Karla Rainey, ADMIN | Jaron Rainey, VHS)
    17. Rice, Jackson (Son of Leah Rice, JER)
    18. Rolison, Katie (Daughter of Mandy Rolison, VHS)
    19. Stewart, Cassidy (Daughter of Joanna Stewart, JER)